Ok, hello new blog. Yeah yeah, moving on.

So this was funny.

Each student at Prep has an iPad. The sophomores abuse them in every which way. One thing E period likes to do for fun is test me by playing high pitch sound on their iPad. I haven't been able to figure out who is doing it. I decided the best way to solve the problem is by threatening to give the whole class more homework if I hear the sound again. It worked.

Fast forward to today. Teaching Macbeth. I had a particularly trying E period class. My patience was pushed to max. The class thought they had me on the ropes. Then some little joker played that iPad sound again and I snapped, "Shut that off NOW, or you all get a 3 day weekend!"

The class went silent for a moment. Then I smiled and everyone laughed. The tension was broken.

What they didn't know, was that I mispoke. I meant to say "You all get homework over the 3 day weekend," but some higher, or deeper, or maybe wider self threw a curve into the mix, an accident which, improvising upon, I was able to use to my advantage. The class was back.

I learned something today, seemingly by accident -how to crack a joke. Like a whip!


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